The scout section is aimed at both boys and girls aged 10 ½ - 14 yrs old. Outdoor activities feature prominently in meetings and our Scouts learn a wide range of skills, such as map reading, camp cooking and first aid. We encourage all of our members to achieve their gold chief scout award during their time with us, so activities are structured to try and earn one challenge award towards this each term.
A key theme of all that we do, Scouts learn to take responsibility for their actions, make their own decisions, plan their own activities, work as a team, and learn about leadership, commitment and helping others. Developing creativity in thinking and examining beliefs and attitudes towards others help us to appreciate our role within the community.
We have two Scout Troops, meeting in term time:
- Monday (Waterloo Troop) 7.00pm – 8.30pm
- Tuesday (Trafalgar Troop) 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Online Scout Manager (for existing members)
Our programme for this term can be found on Online Scout Manager. Visit My.SCOUT and log in to find your child's personal records, including badge progress, events and payment details