Parental help

In order to keep the pack running the help of parents is essential.  We ask all parents to help out on one evening a term, allocated on a rota basis and we will notify you of this on the activity spreadsheet.  It is the responsibility of parents who are unable to make this date to arrange for alternative cover.  We also ask for help with group fundraising events, which will be advised separately.

Special Skills

We try to organise a wide range of activities and welcome parents to help with this.  We are always keen to hear from parents with special interests, hobbies, or skills that could either feature as an activity or help the group in other ways.  This includes DIY and cooking skills, so don’t be shy!


For those interested in becoming more involved in the group please speak to one of the leaders.  It is great fun and highly rewarding, both in terms of the skills that you develop and the impact that this has on our young people.  There is a range of opportunities available depending on the amount of time you can commit to and we would love to hear from you.

Find out more about volunteering on the website here.

Indian Night - 30