1st Lindfield SCOUTS
The 1st Lindfield Scout Group has more young people wishing to join the Scout Group than we have places available. As such we have a long waiting list and not every child on the waiting list will be offered a place.
This is in part due to the fact that once a child has exceeded Beaver age (6-8) almost all of our Cub spaces (8-10.5) are taken up by our Beavers and Scout spaces (10.5-14) are taken up by our Cubs.
However, due to a large increase in the number of year 2 children applying to 1st Lindfield, we now find ourselves in a position where we have almost twice as many 7 year olds in the group as the next largest age group. This means that we anticipate being well in excess of our target Cub numbers in 2025.
As we will struggle to find enough Cub places for our existing Beavers next year, we have taken the difficult decision to temporarily stop offering places at 1st Lindfield to children aged 7 and over with the exception of leader children.
This means that future intakes of Beavers will be restricted to children aged 6 until more spaces become available in our Cub packs.
We do however, occasionally need to recruit leaders to replace those that leave and at present we are looking for both Beaver and Cub Leaders. If you would be interested in becoming a leader then please email our Deputy Group Scout Leader at We would ask that potential leaders make a commitment to stay with us for at least 2 years if securing a child space, as high leader turnover is another factor that can contribute to our long waiting list.
On behalf of the Trustee Board 1st Lindfield Scout Group.